TAKAFUL Brunei Am Sdn Bhd (TBA) responded to a claims report of a house in Kampong Mata-Mata that was damaged in a windstorm that struck the country recently.
The Claims Department acted swiftly to assess the damages by appointing a contractor. The whole roof of the house was blown away and repair works commenced immediately.
An extensive home Takaful protection plan, TBA’s Comprehensive Home Package Takaful covers losses or damages to home’s structure, fixtures, fittings and/or home contents against fire, storms, floods, typhoons, theft and various others.
The package offers 12 coverage benefits as well as temporary accommodation or re-imbursement of the rental cost of temporary accommodation if the damaged house is deemed inhabitable.
TBA advised its Comprehensive Home Packages Takaful Scheme participants to lodge claim reports within 14 days to the Claims Department.

[by Lyna Mohamad]