File takaful claims now


PARTICIPANTS of Takaful Brunei Am Sdn Bhd’s comprehensive home package takaful scheme should lodge claims for damages by the recent storm as soon as posSible so that repairs can be done before Hari Raya, a senior company official said yesterday.

Strong winds by Typhoon Chan-hom reportedly damaged over 50 houses in Brunei-Muara District over the weekend, as well as seven more in Tutong District, six in Belait District and another six in Temburong District.

In a press conference held yesterday, Takaful Brunei urged those with claims to file them quickly as there is less than a week before Hari Raya.

The company had made provisions for around $300,000, taking into account severe and minor damages caused by the typhoon.

“We are on a tight timeline. That is why we have engaged several contractors so that our team can make sure the houses can be repaired before Hari Raya,” said Roslan Tahir, Takaful Brunei’s acting deputy general manager.

Roslan said the company has so far received 18 claims. Claimants have up to 14 days, since last Friday, to file a claim for damages relating to the storm

“Takaful Brunei had received quite a number of claims from homeowners who had participated in our comprehensive home package, and we have managed to assist to our fullest last Saturday,” he said

Roslan said the company has mobilised its claims team to help participants to assess and repair the damages.

He said the company had seen some new business in the wake of the storm. Roslan said getting insurance coverage for damages caused by the storm is important so that homeowners will have the funds to fix their damaged homes.

The comprehensive home package takaful scheme was one of their newest offerings, introduced just last year. He said that in the past, Takaful Brunei had to reject a number of claims from an earlier home takaful package, the comprehensive home package fire takaful scheme.

He said this newer scheme now has around 6,000 policyholders and contains elements such as public liability, loss of rental, covers loss of personal effects of domestic helpers and loss of home content.

Public liability covers third party injury outside your household, said Roslan.

“In the case of the recent windstorm, if the (storm blows off the) roof of your house and it hits someone’s car and if the car motor insurance does not have coverage for damage due to the windstorm, that person can claim under that policy up to $50,000,’ he said

The comprehensive policy also provides coverage for rent while the home is being repaired, for up to 10 per cent of the amount covered. For instance, if the amount is covered for $200,000, then 10 per cent of that, $20,000 can be claimed for rental of a home or staying at a hotel for the duration of the repairs or renovation.

Roslan said the insurance is quite affordable, with average annual premium at $70.

Claims can be made at Takaful Brunei’s claims department at Unit 9 and 10 Simpang 473 Kg Beribi, Jalan Gadong or call 2451803.

15 July 2015
The Brunei Times

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