Legal workshop for insurance stakeholders

SYARIKAT Takaful Brunei Darussalam Sdn Bhd (Takaful Brunei) held a legal workshop for insurance and Takaful industry stakeholders recently.

Present at the workshop were Acting Managing Director of Takaful Brunei and General Manager of Takaful Brunei Keluarga Sdn Bhd (TBK), Haji Shahrildin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Utama Dato Paduka Haji Jaya; senior officers from the Insurance Regulatory and Supervision Department of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darusalam (AMBD); and representatives from the Attorney General’s Chambers, Land Transport Department and the Brunei Insurance and Takaful Association (BITA).

Representatives from Takaful Brunei’s subsidiary companies, Takaful Brunei Am Sdn Bhd (TBA) and TBK were also present.

Senior Partner of Dr Colin Ong Legal Services and the President of the Arbitration Association Brunei Darussalam, Professor Dr Colin Ong QC presented a topic on ‘Arbitration versus Litigation in Brunei Darussalam’.

Professor Dr Colin addressed the general arbitration aspect in the insurance industry, the laws surrounding Brunei Darussalam’s arbitration and conduct of arbitration, advocacy and international arbitration.

The workshop served as a platform for stakeholders to discuss issues affecting the insurance and Takaful industry.

Participants in a group photo. – TAKAFUL BRUNEI

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