Takaful Brunei hands over Zakat Collections and Donations

2nd April 2024, Brunei Darussalam – Takaful Brunei Keluarga Sdn Bhd (TBK) under Syarikat Takaful Brunei Darussalam Sdn Bhd (Takaful Brunei) has successfully collected Zakat on behalf of their Protection & Savings participants, with a total of BND 11,147.56. The Zakat was handed over to Majlis Ugama Islam Brunei (MUIB) at Masjid Ash-Shaliheen, Jalan Perdana Menteri by the Guest of Honour, Yang Mulia Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah, Minister of Finance and Economy II and witnessed by Yang Mulia Haji Shahrildin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Utama Dato Paduka Haji Jaya, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Takaful Brunei during Takaful Brunei’s Khatam Al Quran event.

In attendance were members of the Board of Directors, the Syariah Advisory Body alongside the officers and staff of Takaful Brunei.

TBK has been appointed as an amil by MUIB since September 2019 to collect and calculate Zakat on behalf of their customers. The collection is made annually for all Muslim TBK participants who wish to pay zakat through their Protection & Savings certificates when they have reached haul and nisab. TBK’s Protection & Savings products include Takaful Nur Savings, Takaful Education, Takaful Retirement, Takaful Walimatul Urus, Takaful Dream House, Takaful Savings, Takaful Haj & Umrah, and Takaful Tarbiyah.

Amal Jariah and Donations
The event also saw the handover of TBK’s Takaful Amal Jariah donations made by Takaful Brunei Mobile App users to representatives of various institutions and organisations. They included MUIB, Pengiran Muda Mahkota Al-Muhtadee Billah Fund for Orphans, Pusat Ehsan Al Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam, Centre for Children with Special Needs (KACA), SMARTER Brunei, Children Cancer Foundation (YASKA), Learning Ladder Society (LLS), Brunei Darussalam Mosque Construction Fund and mosques in the country.

TBK’s Takaful Amal Jariah allows individuals to contribute financially to their selected institutions and groups of the less fortunate through a systematic protection and savings plan. Users of the Takaful Brunei Mobile App participated in the ‘Double Derma’ campaign where Takaful Brunei doubled the donated points of users. As part of Takaful Brunei Mobile’s feature, users may continue to donate their Takaful Points to any charity/organisation of choice.





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