TBK offers broad protection plan for students and parents

TAKAFUL Brunei Keluarga Sdn Bhd (TBK), the leading Takaful protection provider for Brunei Darussalam’s education field, is currently conducting talks on the importance of future planning.

TBK Certified Islamic Financial Planners are conducting the talks at several schools across the Sultanate.

Additionally, TBK also offers an Education Takaful Protection and Savings Plan for parents to ensure their children’s future education goals are met.

TBK provides a wide range of protection plans and savings benefits for students, from the beginning of their educational journey all the way up to university level.

A TBK Certified Islamic Financial Planner conducting the talk at a school. – TBK

For Brunei students studying abroad, TBK offers a protection plan, which encompasses various coverage and benefits, to help put both them and their parents at ease.

Consultation by TBK’s Islamic Financial Planners is recommended to help both parents and students understand the key function in achieving long-term education goals.

Consultation appointments can be made through the TBK Call Centre or by e-mail. The services are also open to corporate companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the government sector.

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